Jahanshah 's Recent Quotes
The reality is that the punitive measures to come could hurt Iranian officials more than previous ones, but the real victims again will be average Iranians. And let’s be honest, that’s the whole point.
Jahanshah | 6 years ago
6 339
"Analysis" courtesy of the NIAC/Rafsanjani gang. Rezaian is friends with IRI Lobby NIAC's Marashi and peddled a lot of such regime-friendly nonsense when he was reporting from Iran.
Iranian people need to go on a diet. It's Ramadan afterall!
Are the regime lobbyists and Groupies planning to claim that the sanctions will cause famine and Biblical plagues inside the IRI paradise?? I'm sure the reason that the Number One demand of the IRI is sanctions removal is the pain caused by sanctions on "average Iranians" and not on the regime.
Actually, the Regime lobbyists and groupies are saying that a war is coming. The BiBi basijis however are telling the Iranians to go out on the streets with bare hands and fight the Regime, otherwise we will make your miserable lives worse. And Reza Pahlavi is waiting for the "free referendum" so that the Iranians can pick what kind of future government they want. Then he will swing into action.
And Finally, Trump is paying hush money to the porn star!
Jason the Clueless,
Go get a life! Do you have the slightest idea what “average Iranians” have been through in the past four decades? Of course not. Because the likes of you don’t give a rat’s ass about “average Iranian.”
By the way, I heard you were in jail in Iran. When did you find time to meet “average Iranians?”
The Bazari Oligarchs and the new Sepah Merchant Class are the real traitors here.
Just to remind everyone, th US is a SuperPower. It is the established dominant species running the world in every aspect of human existence. It is defining the very evolution of mankind.
Iran is a 3rd world under developed country run by thugs who have delusions of grandeur. every single one of the countries under Iran's "protection" now, hate Iran.
The idea that US sanctions are primarily intended to hurt the Iranian people, rather than admitting that the coming pain will be at the hands of the bazaris and Speah, is the height of ignorance, and shows the same old delusional tendencies of refusing to admit that WE are the problem.