نتايج سالها خارج ماندن از سيستم بانكى بين المللى:

Top UK regulators are trying to help three Iranian-owned banks reintegrate into the financial system after years of international sanctions — by deploying a unit designed to aid start-ups.

The UK-based Iranian lenders would be among the first beneficiaries of the just-launched unit, which allows participating banks access to services such as a special helpline and case officers.

The Bank of England officially reactivated the licences of the three banks — Persia International Bank, Melli Bank and Bank Sepah International — two weeks ago. The move was part of the international deal reining in Tehran’s nuclear programme in return for sanctions relief.

But the three banks — which together have about €1bn of combined assets — remain unable to carry out most financial transactions according to people familiar with the matter. This is because they have yet to catch up with several years of rules introduced since they were hit by sanctions.

“They cannot start trading straight away, not because there are any more formal approvals, but because they would not meet the various thresholds and fundamental rules on areas like risk-management, capital and governance,” said one person familiar with the situation.

The banks’ problems highlight the difficulty of reconnecting Iranian-owned entities with the global financial system even after sanctions have been lifted.

spource: FT